Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tantawawa Breads - Andean Bread Babies - and the Day of the Departed in Peru

ANDINA/Carlos Lezama 01/11/2011

ANDINA/Carlos Lezama 01/11/2011

ANDINA/Carlos Lezama 01/11/2011

Shortly before we left Peru,  t'antawawas began to appear in outdoor markets and bakeries around the city of Cuzco. Wawas are Andean bread figures that usually resemble swaddled infants. Companion breads shaped like ladders (so the souls of the dead can climb up to heaven), stars, crosses, or angels with wings to help children and babies to rise to heaven were also available . The breads are made from a sweet brioche-like dough and they are an important part of family rituals that are associated with All Souls and All Saints Days in Peru. On Novemeber 1 (D

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